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OPPS – 201

Just steps away from QM2 express bus to Manhattan and local buses; only minutes from t [more]
Just steps away from QM2 express bus to Manhattan and local buses; only minutes from the LIRR. Walking distance [more]
4 1 136 m2details


Just steps away from QM2 express bus to Manhattan and local buses; only minutes from t [more]
Just steps away from QM2 express bus to Manhattan and local buses; only minutes from the LIRR. Walking distance [more]
3 1 120 m2details

OPPS – 203

Beautiful, updated, ground level Co-op apartment in the desirable Bay Terrace neighbor [more]
Beautiful, updated, ground level Co-op apartment in the desirable Bay Terrace neighborhood. This home features [more]
4 1 136 m2details

OPSS – 202

Beautiful, updated, ground level Co-op apartment in the desirable Bay Terrace neighbor [more]
Beautiful, updated, ground level Co-op apartment in the desirable Bay Terrace neighborhood. This home features [more]
4 1 136 m2details


Just steps away from QM2 express bus to Manhattan and local buses; only minutes from t [more]
Just steps away from QM2 express bus to Manhattan and local buses; only minutes from the LIRR. Walking distance [more]
3 1 190 m2details


Just steps away from QM2 express bus to Manhattan and local buses; only minutes from t [more]
Just steps away from QM2 express bus to Manhattan and local buses; only minutes from the LIRR. Walking distance [more]
2 2 700 m2details


Beautiful, updated, ground level Co-op apartment in the desirable Bay Terrace neighbor [more]
Beautiful, updated, ground level Co-op apartment in the desirable Bay Terrace neighborhood. This home features [more]
4 1 250 m2details

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